Paving stone installation

Materials Needed

  • Gloves
  • Tape Measure
  • Stakes
  • Shovel
  • 3 lb. Hammer
  • Levels
  • Line Level
  • Carpenters Square
  • String Line
  • Broom

  • Wheelbarrow
  • Pry Bar
  • Wire Cutters
  • Mason’s Chisel
  • Markers
  • Screed Board
  • Two 1” o.d. Screed Pipes
  • Plate Compactor
  • Paver Cutter
  • Diamond Blade Table Saw

Paving Stone Installation

Before you begin

Your dealer can assist you in obtaining the necessary materials and equipment needed to complete your paving stone installation.

*Three color blends are not recommended for projects less than 500 sq.ft 

Lay out your entire paver pattern prior to cutting any stones.

Find an area away from your  installation to cut pavers. Concrete dust created by saw cutting pavers can stain the surface.

The use of an approved safety mask is recommended when cutting any concrete products

Paving Stone Installation


Determine the area to be paved.
Measure for square footage and sketch a diagram of the shape & pattern of paving stone desired.

Paving Stone Installation


Before beginning excavation, make sure there are no utility lines within the area to be paved. Excavate area to the proper depth depending on the type of traffic

Paving Stone Installation


Establish the finish grade and slope or pitch of pavement to allow for drainage.

Lay out the lines and corners with string line and stakes.

Compact sub-base.

Paving Stone Installation


Spread aggregate base uniformly throughout the entire excavated area and 8 in. beyond perimeter lines. Base aggregate material should be processed
3/4” minus gravel or crushed concrete blend.

Paving Stone Installation


Compact the base aggregate evenly throughout the area with a mechanical plate compactor. Do not compact the base aggregate in more then 4” layers.

The compacted base should conform to the contour of the finished paved area.

The grade of the base aggregate should be 3” to 4” below the finished paving stone surface depending on the thickness of the paver.

Paving Stone Installation


Install edge restraints as required.

Pavers butting against curbs or foundations will not need an edge restraint. Various types of edging materials can be used. Nicolock recommends a Snap Edge edge restraint system since it is easy to install and will not rot or decay.

Paving Stone Installation


Spread 1” of concrete sand evenly over the compacted base. Screed the bedding sand to a level, smooth surface using a screed board. For areas wider than the width of the screed board, use 1” conduit pipe as screed guides 4’ apart. Screed sand, remove screed rails & fill in depressions with fresh sand. You should end up with a complete layer of smooth sand. Do not disturb sand bed after it has been screeded.

Paving Stone Installation


Begin placing paving stones on the screeded sand bed in the desired pattern. Hand place the paving stones with a hand tight joint. Work from the paving stone side of the installation as they are set. To achieve the best mixture of colors and blends, remove pavers from delivered bundles section by section, not layer by layer, and work from several bundles at a time. Cut pieces as needed to fill in the pattern. 


When complete, sweep surface clean.

Spread a fine jointing sand over the entire surface and broom sweep to fill all joints. Leaving excess sand on the paving stone surface, tap the paving stones into the setting bed with the mechanical plate compactor with a rubber pad. Broom sweep more sand to fill any open joints. Finally, backfill over the top edge restraint and grade. Your installation is now complete and ready for use.