This manual is intended to serve as a guide for the proper installation and construction of a Redi-Rock® retaining wall.
The recommendations and guidelines presented here are intended to supplement detailed construction documents, plans, and specifications for the project.
Redi-Rock supports a Total Quality Management approach to Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) in the planning, design, manufacture, installation, and final acceptance of a Redi-Rock wall. This approach requires the responsible party at each stage of the project ensure that proper procedures are followed for their portion of the work.
The responsible parties during the construction phase of a Redi-Rock wall include the Contractor, Engineer or Owner’s Representative, and Redi-Rock licensed manufacturer. Their specific responsibilities for compliance are as follows:
The Contractor is responsible for providing construction according to the contract documents, plans, and specifications for the project. The Contractor shall ensure that employees engaged in construction of the Redi-Rock wall understand and follow the project plans and specifications, are familiar with construction methods required, and have adequate safety training.
The Engineer or Owner’s Representative is responsible for construction review to assure that the project is being constructed according to the contract documents (plans and specifications). The representative shall fully understand the project plans and specifications and shall perform adequate field verification checks to ensure construction is in conformance with the project requirements. The presence of the Engineer or Owner’s representative does not relieve the Contractor of their responsibilities for compliance with the project plans and specifications.
Redi-Rock blocks are produced by independently-owned licensed manufacturers. The manufacturer is responsible for the production and delivery of Redi-Rock units to the job site in accordance with published material quality, size tolerances, construction documents, plans, and specifications. The licensed manufacturer is responsible for adherence to any project specific QA/QC requirements for the production of precast concrete retaining wall units. Often, additional services—such as installation training classes—are available through the Redi-Rock manufacturer.
Before you start construction of a Redi-Rock wall, take the time to complete necessary planning and preparation. This process will help ensure a safe, efficient, and quality installation. It will also help avoid costly mistakes.
Safety is of primary concern to Redi-Rock International. Redi-Rock walls must be installed in a safe manner. All local, state, and federal safety regulations must be followed. In addition, Redi-Rock International greatly encourages installers to set up company programs to help their people stay safe at work. These programs should address items such as: personal protective equipment, maintaining safe slopes and excavations, fall protection, rigging and lifting, and other safety precautions. Safety-training materials specific to your company can be found at, by calling 1-800-321-OSHA (6742), or from your local government safety office.
Obtain necessary engineering and permits for your project. Your local building department is an excellent resource to help determine the requirements for your project.
This installation guide is intended to supplement a detailed, site-specific wall design prepared for your project by a Professional Engineer. The construction documents for your project supersede any recommendations presented here.
Take the time to review and understand the project plans and specifications. Make sure that the plans take into account current site, soil, and water conditions. Pay close attention to silty or clayey soils and ground water or surface water on the site as these can significantly increase the forces on the wall. A pre-construction meeting with the wall design engineer, construction inspector, wall contractor, and owner or representative is recommended.
Develop a plan to coordinate construction activities on your site. Make sure your plan specifically addresses how to control surface water during construction.
Make sure to have underground utilities located and marked on the ground before starting any construction. Call 8-1-1, go online to, or contact your local utility company to schedule utility marking for your project site.
Store Redi-Rock blocks in a location close to the proposed wall. Blocks should be kept clean and mud free. Blocks should also be stored in a location which will minimize the amount of handling on the project site.
Store geogrid in a clean, dry location close to the proposed wall. Keep the geogrid covered and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Be careful where you stockpile excavation and backfill material. Do not stockpile material over buried utility pipes, cables, or near basement walls which could be damaged by the extra weight.
Material planned for use as drainage aggregate between and behind Redi-Rock blocks and structural backfill material proposed for use in the reinforced soil zone of mechanically stabilized earth walls must be inspected and verified to comply with requirements of the construction documents, plans, and specifications.
Make sure you have the proper equipment to handle Redi-Rock blocks and install the wall. Redi-Rock blocks are quite large and heavy. Make sure excavators and other construction equipment are properly sized to handle the blocks safely. (Figure 1)
Hand-operated equipment should include, at a minimum: shovels, 2-foot (0.6-meter) level, 4-foot (1.2-meter) level, broom, hammer, tape measure, string, spray paint, laser level, pry or Burke bar, walk-behind vibratory plate compactor (capable of delivering a minimum of 2000 lb (8.9 kN) centrifugal force), and a 16-inch (406-millimeter) concrete cut-off saw. (Figure 2)
Personal protective equipment should include, at a minimum: appropriate clothing, steel toe boots with metatarsal protection, eye protection, hard hat, gloves, hearing protection, fall protection rigging, and other items as necessary to ensure a safe working environment.
Proper base preparation is a critical element in the construction of your retaining wall. Not only is it important to provide a stable foundation for the wall, but a properly prepared base will greatly increase the speed and efficiency of your wall installation. Proper base preparation starts with the subgrade soils.
Existing soils must be removed to the bottom of the leveling pad elevation for the retaining wall.
The base and back of excavation should expose fresh, undisturbed soil or rock. Remove all organic, unsuitable, and disturbed soils that “fall-in” along the base of the wall or the back of the excavation. Always provide safe excavations in accordance with OSHA requirements.
The subgrade soil (below the leveling pad) should be evaluated by the Engineer or Owner’s Representative to verify that it meets the design requirements and to determine its adequacy to support the retaining wall. Any unsuitable material shall be excavated and replaced as directed by the on-site representative and per the requirements of the contract drawings, plans, and specifications.
Subgrade soils must be compacted to a density as specified in the contract documents, plans, and specifications but not less than 90% maximum density at ± 2% optimum moisture content as determined by a modified proctor test (ASTM D1557). (Figures 3 and 4)
Base preparation continues with proper leveling pad construction. Redi-Rock retaining walls can be designed with an open-graded crushed stone, dense-graded crushed stone (GAB), or concrete leveling pad which supports the bottom row of blocks. The choice of which type of leveling pad to use is made by the wall design engineer and depends on several factors including the bearing capacity of the native soil, location of the drain
outlet, and conditions at the base of the wall.
Open-graded crushed stone is typically used in cases where the wall drain can outlet to daylight (by gravity) somewhere below the elevation of the bottom of the leveling pad. (Figure 6A) The material should be 1-inch (25-millimeter) diameter and smaller stone. A crushed stone meeting the gradation requirements of ASTM No. 57
with no material passing the No. 200 (74 μm) sieve is preferred. The leveling pad thickness shall be as designed by the wall design engineer. A minimum thickness of 6 inches (152 millimeters) or 12 inches (305 millimeters) is common. The leveling pad should extend at least 6 inches (152 millimeter) in front and 12 inches (305 millimeters) behind the bottom block. Make sure to check your construction documents for details.
Dense-graded crushed stone or graded aggregate base (GAB) material is typically used in cases where the wall drain can only outlet to daylight somewhere above the bottom of the leveling pad. (Figure 6B) The material should be dense-graded crushed stone with between 8 and 20% “fines” which will pass through a No. 200 (74 μm) sieve. The leveling pad thickness shall be as designed by the wall design engineer. Minimum dimensions are the same as those for an open-graded crushed stone leveling pad.
The leveling pad material should be placed and compacted to provide a uniform, level pad on which to construct the retaining wall. (Figure 5) Proper elevation can be established with a laser level or transit. You can also set two 20’ (6 m) long grade (screed) pipes to the desired grade and screed the crushed stone material between the pipes.
Place the stone leveling pad in uniform loose lifts a maximum of 6 inches (152 millimeter) thick. Consolidate the stone with a minimum of three passes with a 24-inch (610-millimeter) wide walk-behind vibrating plate compactor capable of delivering at least 2000 pounds (8.9 kN) of centrifugal force. This should achieve 85% relative density of the stone determined in accordance with ASTM D-4253 and D-4254. In place density of the stone fill should be confirmed using ASTM D-6938. If you don’t achieve a minimum of 85% relative density, place the stone in smaller lifts or apply more compaction effort until you do achieve desired density of the stone.
Unless specifically included in the design calculations, do NOT place a thin layer of sand between the leveling pad and bottom block. This layer will reduce the sliding resistance between the leveling pad and bottom block.
In some cases, the wall design requires the construction of a concrete leveling pad. (Figures 6C and 6D) Construct the leveling pad according to the detailed plans for your project.
Some designs require a shear key in the bottom of the footing and/or a lip in front of the Redi-Rock blocks. These items would be shown in the project plans.
If steel rebar is to be placed in the footing, secure the bars together with wire ties in the pattern shown in the construction documents. Use rebar supports to hold the rebar structure in the proper position in the footing.
Place wood formwork at the front and back of the concrete leveling pad or footing. The top of the formwork should be placed at the elevation of the top of the concrete footing so you can screed the top smooth in preparation for block placement. It is important that the top surface be smooth and level for full contact of the retaining wall blocks. Place concrete as specified in the wall design. Once the concrete has been allowed to cure to the minimum specified strength, place the bottom blocks and continue construction of the retaining wall.
Redi-Rock blocks are typically delivered to the construction site using a flatbed trailer or boom truck. (Figure 7) Rubber tired backhoes, loaders, skid steers, or excavators are used to set the retaining wall blocks. (Figure 8) Make sure to use the proper sized equipment to handle the large blocks. All lifting chains, rigging, or slings must be OSHA compliant and safety rated for proper working loads.
Properly mark the location of the retaining wall. A string line or offset stakes are typically used to establish horizontal and vertical alignment. If offset stakes are used, the stakes should be placed at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) but no more than 10 feet (3 meters) in front of the face of the retaining wall. A stake should be provided at every elevation change and at a maximum of 50 feet (15 meters) apart.
Wall construction should start at a fixed point such as a building wall, 90° corner, or at the lowest elevation of the wall.
Place the blocks on the prepared leveling pad. Blocks shall be placed in full contact with the leveling pad and other immediately adjacent block units. (Figure 9) Block alignment should be established by lining up the “form line” where the face texture meets the steel form finished area at the top of the block, approximately 5 inches
(127 millimeters) back from the front face. (Figure 10)
Check all blocks for level and alignment as they are placed. Small adjustments to the block location can be made with a large pry or Burke bar. Proper installation of the bottom block course is critical to maintaining the proper installation of all subsequent block courses within acceptable construction tolerance. It also makes installation
of the upper rows of blocks much easier and more efficient.
Place and compact backfill in front of the bottom block course prior to placement of subsequent block courses or backfill. This will keep the blocks in place as drainage aggregate and backfill are placed and compacted.
Place an 18 inch x 12 inch (457 millimeter x 305 millimeter) piece of non-woven geotextile fabric in the vertical joint between the blocks to prevent the drainage aggregate and backfill material from migrating through the vertical joints between blocks. (Figure 11)
Place washed drainstone or open-graded crushed stone backfill between blocks and at least 12 inch (305 millimeter) behind the wall. A stone meeting the gradation requirements of ASTM No. 57 with no material passing the No. 200 (74 μm) sieve is preferred. Place the stone in uniform loose lifts a maximum of 6 inches (157 millimeter) thick. Consolidate the stone with a minimum of three passes with a 24-inch (610 millimeter) wide, walk-behind, vibrating plate compactor capable of delivering at least 2000 lb (8.9 kN) of centrifugal force. (Figure 12) This should achieve 85% relative density of the stone determined in accordance with ASTM
D-4253 and D-4254. In place density of the stone fill should be confirmed using ASTM D-6938. If you don’t achieve a minimum of 85% relative density, place the stone in smaller lifts or apply more compaction effort until you do achieve desired density of the stone.
Place non-woven geotextile fabric between the drainstone and the remaining backfill material if specified.
Backfill behind the drainage aggregate with material as specified in the project construction documents. Place the lifts as specified, but not to exceed 9 inches (229 millimeter) maximum. Granular backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% maximum density at ± 2% optimum moisture content as determined by a modified proctor test (ASTM D1557). Use proper equipment to insure complete compaction of the backfill material. It may be necessary to wet or dry the backfill material, place the material in smaller lifts, and/or apply more compaction effort to reach 90% maximum density. Do not use any organic, topsoil, frozen, soft, wet, or loose soils when backfilling the wall.
Re-check all units for level and alignment and sweep the top of each course of blocks clean before starting construction of the next course.
A drain is placed behind the Redi-Rock wall blocks at the lowest elevation where the pipe can safely outlet to daylight. Drainage aggregate should be placed to the bottom of the drain as shown in the construction documents. A 4-inch (102 millimeter) perforated sock drain is commonly used for the drain pipe. Often the drain is encapsulated with drainage aggregate and wrapped with a non-woven geotextile fabric. The drain should run the entire length of the wall and needs to have proper outlets on the ends and at regularly spaced points along the wall. Solid pipe should be used for weep hole outlets through the face or under the retaining wall. (Figure 13)
Care needs to be taken during installation to avoid crushing or damaging the drain pipe or outlets.
Once the backfill is fully placed and compacted for the block course below, place the next row of blocks in a running bond configuration with the vertical joint of the lower block units centered under the mid-point of the block units above. If needed, a half block can be used at the end of every other row to maintain a running bond. (Figure 14)
Push the Redi-Rock blocks forward until the groove on the bottom of the block comes in full contact with the knobs on the blocks below. Adjacent blocks shall be placed with their front edges tightly abutted together.
Place non-woven geotextile fabric in the vertical joint between the blocks, and place and compact the drainage aggregate and backfill material the same way you did for the bottom row.
Never install more than one course of blocks without placing and compacting drainage aggregate and backfill to the full height of the block units. Placing multiple courses of blocks without backfill will prevent the proper placement and consolidation of the drainage aggregate between the blocks.
Redi-Rock blocks are designed to allow you to build relatively tall non-reinforced (or gravity) walls which use the weight of the blocks to provide stability. However, for some projects you may need to build even taller walls. In these cases, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls can be built with the Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) System.
The geogrid used in Redi-Rock PC System walls are 12-inch (305-millimeter) wide strips of PVC coated polyester geogrid that wrap through a vertical core slot cast into the block and extend full length into the reinforced soil zone on both the top and bottom of the block.
It is critical that you only use factory cut strips of Mirafi geogrid that are certified by TenCate Mirafi for width and strength. Field cutting strips of geogrid from larger rolls can significantly degrade the capacity of the wall system and is not allowed. Geogrid strips are only available through a Redi-Rock Manufacturer. (Figure 15)
Verify that you have the correct geogrid material and then cut the individual strips to the required length. The distance a geogrid strip must extend into the reinforced soil zone (design length) is measured from the back of the block to the end of the geogrid. Since the geogrid wraps through the block, the actual cut length of a given geogrid strip is two (2) times the design length plus enough additional geogrid to wrap though the block. For the Redi-Rock 28-inch (710-millimeter) PC blocks, the cut length is two (2) times the design length plus 3 feet (0.9 meters).
Inspect the Redi-Rock PC blocks for any concrete flashing or sharp edges in the slot and groove through the block. Remove any flashing and grind smooth any sharp edges which could damage the geogrid reinforcement.
Place the geogrid strip in the vertical core slot from the bottom of the block and pull approximately half of the length of the strip up through the core slot. Measure from the back of the block unit to the required design length and pin the bottom leg of the geogrid strip with staples, stakes, or other appropriate methods. Pull the geogrid strip tight to remove any slack, wrinkles, or folds. Secure the geogrid firmly in place by putting a pin through the geogrid and the steel lifting insert which is located in the recessed area on the top of the PC block (Figure 16) or placing drainage aggregate in the vertical core slot.
Place drainage aggregate between and behind the blocks. (Figure 17) Place the stone in uniform loose lifts as required in the project plans and specifications. Consolidate the stone between the blocks by hand tamping. Make sure to tamp stone into the ends of the groove on the bottom of the Redi-Rock PC blocks. Consolidate the stone behind the blocks with a minimum of three passes with a 24-inch (610-millimeter) wide walk-behind vibrating plate compactor capable of delivering at least 2000 lb (8.9 kN) of centrifugal force. Provide further compaction if needed to meet the density specified in the contract documents, but not less than 85% relative density of the stone determined in accordance with ASTM D-4253 and D-4254.
Place a strip of non-woven geotextile fabric between the drainage aggregate and the reinforced soil zone if specified.
Place the reinforced soil zone material in uniform loose lifts as required in the project plans and specifications. Reinforced soil zone material must be compacted to a density as specified in the contract documents, plans, and specifications but not less than 90% maximum density as determined by a modified proctor test (ASTM D1557).
Begin compaction at the back of the wall blocks and proceed to the embedded end of the geogrid strip using care to maintain the reinforcement strip in a level, taut condition oriented perpendicular to the back of the block unit to which it is attached. Use hand operated compaction equipment within 3 feet (1 meter) of the back of the PC blocks. Heavier equipment can be used beyond 3 feet (1 meter) away from the PC blocks. Tracked construction equipment must not be operated directly on the geogrid strip reinforcement. A minimum fill thickness of 6 inches (150 millimeter) is required for the operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid strips. Turning of tracked vehicles should be kept to a minimum to prevent displacement of the fill and the geogrid strips. Rubber-tired vehicles may pass over the geogrid strips at a slow speed of less than 5 mph (8 km/hr). Sudden breaking and sharp turning should be avoided.
After placing and properly compacting backfill to the elevation of the geogrid strip at the top of the block, extend the top leg of the geogrid strip to the design length required. Pull the geogrid strip tight to remove any slack, wrinkles, or folds. (Figure 18) Pin the top leg of the geogrid strip with staples, stakes, or other appropriate methods to hold it in place and keep the geogrid strip taut.
Fill the center slot in the PC blocks with drainage aggregate. Be careful to keep the grid flat against the back of the slot in the PC block and prevent any stone from lodging between the geogrid and the concrete block. Fill the vertical core slot completely with drainage aggregate. Consolidate the drainage aggregate by hand
tamping. Use a broom to sweep clean the top of the blocks. Do not operate a walk behind vibratory plate compactor on top of the Redi-Rock PC blocks.
Place retained soil immediately between the end of the reinforced soil zone (identified as the embedded end of the geogrid reinforcement strips) and the back of the excavation. Compact retained soil to a density as specified in the contract documents, plans, and specifications but not less than 90% maximum density at ± 2% optimum moisture content as determined by a modified proctor test (ASTM D1557). Maximum differential elevation between the reinforced fill and the retained soil fill should never exceed 18 inches (457 millimeters).
Continue construction in a similar fashion to the top of the wall. (Figure 19)
The greater width of XL blocks allows gravity walls to be built to greater height, while the greater individual block heights means that each block creates more area of wall face. XL block retaining wall installation generally follows the procedures of other Redi-Rock products, with a few differences.
Following the general procedures of sections 1 to 9, prepare the subgrade soils and place the leveling pad. The required leveling pad thickness will depend on the design by the wall design engineer, but will generally be a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) thick.
Use appropriately-rated rigging fastened to the three lift hooks (one in the middle and two in the back of the blocks) and suitable heavy equipment to lift blocks into place. Place the first row of blocks to the correct line and grade. Just as with other Redi-Rock products, extra attention to ensure the first row of blocks is level and installed to the correct line and grade will save effort later as the installation proceeds.
Place two 18-inch (457 mm) by 18-inch (457 mm) pieces of non-woven geotextile fabric in each vertical joint between blocks – one on the upper half of the joint and one in the lower, wedge-shaped portion of the joint – to prevent the drainage aggregate and backfill material from migrating through the vertical joints at the blocks’ face. Place washed drainstone or open-graded crushed stone backfill into the hollow cores of the blocks and between blocks in lifts of no more than 9 inches (230 mm) deep. Compact each lift by tamping until no further consolidation occurs with a soil tamper or other similar method. Strike off the top and sweep the upper surface of the blocks so the next row will sit cleanly on the lower row.
Due to the high percentage of open-graded stone within and between blocks, a drainage course behind the blocks is not required, but may be desirable to ease compaction of backfill and improve drainage. Place a layer of nonwoven geotextile fabric between the back of blocks (or drainstone layer, if used) and retained backfill.
Place and compact backfill as described above and repeat as necessary to reach the required height. Finish the top of wall with one or more rows of 18-inch (457 mm) high retaining blocks or freestanding blocks.
Some walls require special features such as curves, corners, top of wall details, details for elevated groundwater applications, and other details. Refer to the construction documents, plans, and specifications for details to construct these features. Additional general reference construction details are available on the Redi-Rock website,
Best practice dictates that wall construction should continue without interruption or delays. This will help expedite construction and minimize the time the excavation is open.
The construction site should be graded and maintained to direct surface water runoff away from the retaining wall throughout the entire construction process.
Do not exceed the allowable construction tolerances specified in the contract documents, plans, and specifications. At no time should tolerances at the wall face exceed 1° vertically and 1” in 10’ (1:120) horizontally.
Immediately report the following site conditions, if encountered, to the Engineer or Owner’s representative to determine the corrective action needed:
Immediately implement any corrective action before resuming wall construction.
Redi-Rock freestanding wall blocks have facing texture on two or three sides. They are used in applications where two or three sides of the wall are visible. Freestanding blocks can be installed as “stand alone” walls, such as perimeter walls or fences. They can also be designed and installed as the finishing top courses on a Redi-Rock retaining wall.
Freestanding wall installation is similar to that for Redi-Rock retaining walls. The main exception is that there is typically no backfill material behind the freestanding walls. Even though there is no backfill acting on the walls, freestanding walls need to be properly engineered. They require adequate stability at the base of the wall and they need to resist any applied forces such as wind loads or forces from railings or fences.
If you are building a “stand alone” freestanding wall, prepare the subgrade soils and leveling pad as described previously. Place bottom blocks on the leveling pad. A 6 inch (152 millimeter) minimum bury on the bottom block is typical. Extra bury may be required for some projects. Middle and top blocks are placed directly on top of the bottom blocks with no batter.
If you are building a freestanding wall on the top of a Redi-Rock retaining wall, end the last row of retaining wall blocks with a middle block. The size of the knob on top of the last row of retaining wall blocks will establish the setback for the first row of freestanding blocks. Retaining blocks with a 10-inch (254-millimeter) diameter knob will produce a 2 7/8 inch (73 millimeter) setback between the retaining block and the first freestanding block. If the retaining blocks have a 7 ½ inch (190 millimeter) diameter knob, the setback between the retaining block and the first freestanding block will be 1 5/8 inches (41 millimeters). Be sure to contact your local Redi-Rock manufacturer to determine availability of blocks with different knob sizes.
Begin and end freestanding walls with full or half Corner blocks.
Freestanding walls are installed plumb with no batter.
Variable radius freestanding blocks with a 4 inch x 12 inch (102 millimeter x 305 millimeter) pocket in one or two ends of the block are used to make curved walls. Field cut the relatively thin face texture on the ends of the variable radius blocks as needed to make the desired radius for your wall. (Figure 24)
Colored foam “Backer Rod” can be used to fill any small gaps which may occur between the blocks when installing walls. Backer rods can be purchased from concrete supply centers. Call your local Redi-Rock manufacturer for help locating foam backer rods for your project.
Redi-Rock Magic Block freestanding hollow-core units are stacked, similar to other Redi-Rock freestanding blocks, but then filled with concrete. Freestanding Hollow-Core Blocks work well for freestanding barriers, and can also be utilized for cantilever retaining walls.
For many applications, the Freestanding Hollow-Core Blocks will be supported by a reinforced concrete footing. Prior to placing the footing, layout the wall to determine the locations of the open cores in the staggered rows of hollow-core units. This will help determine where rebar should be placed in the footing. When determining vertical rebar placement, consider the equipment that will be used to set the block to help avoid conflicts. Number and size of rebar will depend upon the engineer’s structural design.
Construct the footing on a competent subgrade per the design drawings. Once the footing has cured, use a stringline to mark the alignment of the blocks (usually the inside of the block). Begin setting blocks. A scissors-type clamp works well. (Figure 25) Alternatively, straps looped around the interior ribs can be used, as well.
Corners can be constructed in the wall using hollow-core corner blocks. These blocks have texture on three sides. For a tight fit between blocks, the texture on the corner block can be trimmed by 2 or 3 inches where it abuts the adjacent block. If the design requires continuous rebar, cut a section out of the side of the corner block aligned with the hollow core of the adjacent block. (Figure 26)
Place horizontal rebar in the blocks, supported in the grooves on the interior structural ribs. Place the vertical rebar, lapping and tying, as required.
Stack the next row of block, making sure to carefully align the blocks and staggering the joints to create a running bond. We recommend stacking no more than three courses of block without filling the core.
Prior to infilling the wall, we suggest grouting the joints between blocks with non-shrink standard grout. This helps prevent leakage during infilling, and provides an aesthetic element.
Infill the hollow core of the wall with ready-mix concrete meeting the requirements of the design. Place the concrete carefully to prevent misalignment of the rebar. While filling, use an internal concrete vibrator to ensure consolidation and eliminate voids.
Magic Block Freestanding Hollow-Core Blocks can be placed on Redi-Rock PC-series walls to create a free-standing coping. The connection uses a No. 3 rebar hook to tie the coping to the upper PC blocks.
Install a No. 3 rebar hook through the lifting hook in each PC block and let the hook lay on the shear knob.
Install PC geogrid strips, if required. Fill the PC core with stone to the recess area. Place plastic sheeting over the geogrid exposed in the PC core.
Set the Freestanding Hollow-Core Blocks in place on the PC blocks.
Install the horizontal and vertical reinforcing steel, as required by the design. Pull the rebar hooks up into the Freestanding Hollow-Core Blocks core and engage with the horizontal rebar. Fill the hollow cores with concrete. (Figures 27 & 28)
A few additional details can be incorporated into Freestanding Hollow-Core walls to improve their water-tightness for flood control and other water-related applications. (Figure 29)
Prior to constructing the footing, perform any subgrade preparation, soil improvements, and/or drainage installation as required by the design.
Install an appropriate waterstop at the joint between the footing and the bottom of the wall, following the waterstop manufacturer’s recommendations.
When using a ribbed center bulb strip, install it prior to pouring concrete for the footing such that it will be half embedded in the footing. Commonly, it will require attaching to the footing rebar with wire ties.
A bentonite/butyl rubber expandable waterstop can be installed on top of the footing prior to installing the first row of blocks. Be sure to protect the strip from damage and keep it clean.
A keyway can be cast into the footing if required by the design.
Avoid block-to-block joints where structural ribs from adjacent blocks will be in contact, as this will result in a joint with little, if any, cast-in-place concrete available to resist water flow. If necessary, remove one of the offending ribs with a concrete saw.
When placing concrete, extra care should be taken to fully consolidate the concrete to eliminate voids which could become conduits for water. Integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures are available that can reduce permeability and seal small
cracks. Additional measures, such as sealing exposed joints with non-shrink grout and/or mastic and casting a slab against the wall can also be used to reduce water penetration. Foundation waterproofing experts should be consulted to select and assist with the installation of any performance improvement measures.
Cap or step blocks are commonly used on top of freestanding walls to provide a finished look. (Figure 30)
Mark the center of the freestanding blocks to monitor the correct running bond spacing.
Secure the cap with construction adhesive, polyurethane sealant, or mortar. If construction adhesive is used, it should meet the requirements of ASTM D3498 and C557 and HUD/FHA Use of Materials Bulletin #60. Two examples are Titebond Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive by Franklin International or PL Premium Construction Adhesive. If polyurethane sealant is used, it should be one-component, highly-flexible, non-priming, gun-grade, high-performance elastomeric polyurethane sealant with movement of ± 25% per ASTM C719, tensile strength greater than 200 psi (1.4 MPa) per ASTM D412, and adhesion to peel on concrete greater than 20 PLI per ASTM C794.
Adhesive or sealants should be applied in 1.5 inch (38 millimeter) diameter round “Hershey Kiss” shaped dollops located in two rows at the top of the freestanding blocks at 8 inches (203 millimeter) on center.
Caps can be cut as needed for proper alignment. If desired, grout the joints between cap blocks after installation with a non-shrink grout.
Install a threaded termination end on the end of the cable. Electroline M Series terminations manufactured by Esmet, Inc. work well.
Thread cable with a termination end through all the blocks. It is important that the cable is placed in each course of blocks prior to placing the next course.
Pull the cable through the block on the far end of the wall until approximately 2 inches (51 millimeters) of threads protrude beyond the end of the blocks. The exposed threads will provide room to place for a 5/8 inch x 6 inch x 9 inch (16 millimeter x 152 millimeter x 229 millimeter) steel plate over the exposed threads and start the nut.
Mark and cut the cable at the starting end of the wall so that 4 inches (102 millimeter) of cable protrudes beyond the block, providing room a 5/8 inch x 6 inch x 9 inch (16 millimeter x 152 millimeter x 229 millimeter) steel plate and ferrule termination fitting. After the cable has been cut, slide the entire cable several feet (meters) towards the ferrule end so that you will have room to work. Install a steel plate and ferrule termination end on the cable.
Pull the cable snug so that the ferrule is against the steel plate. There will be 2 inches (51 millimeters) of thread exposed at the far end of the wall which has the termination end on the cable.
Place the steel plate over the threads and start the nut. The nut can be tightened to the desired tension.
J-Bolts can be used to secure force protection walls to the top row of retaining wall blocks (when used on the top of a Redi-Rock wall) or to concrete anchors set in the ground (for a stand alone wall).
Set force protection blocks with the ends centered on ground anchors or the center of Redi-Rock middle retaining wall blocks immediately below.
Place a clip between blocks in hooks provided in the middle of the block on each end.
Place a J-bolt through center of the clip, thread a nut on the J-bolt, and tighten.
Repeat for all remaining courses of force protection blocks.
Redi-Rock column blocks are available to complement Redi-Rock walls. Columns can be installed by themselves or with fences or gates.
Column blocks can be placed on properly prepared aggregate or concrete leveling pads or directly on Redi-Rock retaining wall blocks, depending on the specific design for your project.
Column blocks can be manufactured with pockets for concrete or split wood fence rails.
Concrete adhesive or polyurethane sealant can be used between stacked column blocks.
Install a cap on the top of a column. Adjust the cap position until all sides are equidistant and square to the column. Secure the column cap with construction adhesive or polyurethane sealant.
Special inserts are available for mounting gates or similar features to Redi-Rock columns.
Column blocks are available with 4 inch (102 millimeter) or tapered 8 inch (203 millimeter) diameter cores which can be filled with stone or concrete and steel rebar reinforcement.
A conduit can be left through the core if needed for lighting or other features.
612 Muncy Avenue
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
P: (631) 669-0700
F: (631) 669-0711
200 Henry Street
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
P: (631) 669-0700
F: (631) 669-8052