Menhir di Luce acts as a design object during the day and an emotional light feature at night. The well-made garden lights have a minimalistic and natural design that compliments any outdoor décor. The lights are remarkably durable, withstanding even the most extreme elements like ice and desert sun. The outdoor lights are waterproof, so they’re the perfect poolside companion. Order a single Menhir di Luce landscape light to accent outdoor décor or use a series of lights to illuminate the outskirt of an outdoor dining area. The options are endless when you choose Menhir di Luce garden lights from Nicolock Paving Stones.


  • Choose from single, double, or triple-illuminated sections
  • Choose from horizontal or inclined patterns
  • Available in 2 standard textures
  • Minimalistic and natural design complements any architectural style
  • Ice resistant
  • Stainless Steel

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Menhir Di Luce

A series of natural stone outdoor lamps and garden lights with LED technology, available in four different styles—Soft, Sidelong, Cross, and Stonehenge. In daylight, they function as design elements but evoke emotional light in the evening.


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