Care for the Environment with Eco-Ridge

Nicolock Paving Stones’ Eco-Ridge 80MM Environmental Paving Stones provide the beauty and durability of our other products with an additional eye toward environmental sustainability.

Eco-Ridge 80MM Environmental Paving Stones come in an oversized brick shape with slightly textured riven surfaces and slightly chamfered edges. They feature 3/8” gaps that create approximately 13% open surface area, using less overall material for a lower economic impact. The joint opening is in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act.

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Eco-Ridge 80MM

An oversized brick shape with a slightly textured riven surface. Slightly chamfered edges with a 13% open surface area.
3/8″ gaps create approximately 13% open surface area
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Compliant
100 square feet per pallet


Granite City
Oyster Blend

* Premium Color
** Deluxe Color


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